A huge thank you to everyone who came to our class on living a more productive life! We talked about the enemies of productivity—perfectionism, time thieves, and getting started—and making time for what matters in our lives. Later, the participants wrote down the three things they’ve wanted to do, butContinue Reading

It’s exciting to see reviewers saying that Overwhelmed Writer Rescue is not just for writers. I mention in the beginning of the book that though it’s written with writers in mind, it’s easily applicable to any creative endeavor. The principles outlined in the book will work just as well forContinue Reading

I’m excited to announce that Overwhelmed Writer Rescue is now available for pre-order! This book has been several years in the making. I’ve been researching concepts like time management and productivity in creative artists ever since I founded Writing and Wellness back in 2014. I’ve conducted interviews with hundreds ofContinue Reading