Great news! I have received notes from my editor at Dzanc Books for Loreena’s Gift, my literary novel. That means I’ll be working hard over the next six weeks or so to polish up the book in preparation for the galleys. I’m excited that things are moving forward on thisContinue Reading

Colleen’s work in progess, The Beached Ones, was named 3rd place unpublished novel in the 2014 Arizona Authors Literary Contest. She has completed a cross-country road trip as part of the research for this novel, and is now back to work on the second draft. (Read more about her tripContinue Reading

Situation: I’m in the second draft of my work in progress. My characters travel across country, from Iowa to California. Dilemma: I’ve either a) never been to the locations where my characters stop along the way, or b) it’s been so long the places are dim in my memory. SolutionContinue Reading

Colleen recently signed a publishing agreement with Dzanc Books for Loreena’s Gift. She’s thrilled to be associated with this highly reputable company and looks forward to the process of getting the story ready for readers. A 2016 release is expected. For more on the story, please see the book page.