A big “thank you” to the Daily Sentinel for their recent feature on me and Rise of the Sidenah. I’m very grateful to Laurena Davis, editor and writer, for her insightful questions into the story and my writing process, and her kind coverage of Rise of the Sidenah and my effortsContinue Reading

A big “thank you” to the Morning News for their recent feature on me and Rise of the Sidenah. I had a lovely chat with Leslie Mielke, the reporter, about the writing process, what it’s like to work with an editor, and how I wrote fiction on the side forContinue Reading

Thank you to Local News 8 and KIDK 3 for featuring me and my fantasy novel, Rise of the Sidenah! I continue to be impressed with how involved the folks at this news channel are in the community. It was only a couple months ago that I had the pleasureContinue Reading

Rise of the Sidenah was recently honored by the North American Book Awards. Winners were announced November 9, 2015. The book was chosen as 3rd place fantasy. I’m very grateful to the organization for this honor. If you’d like to read more about Rise of the Sidenah, please see theContinue Reading

  I’m excited to announce the three winners of the YA Books Central “Rise of the Sidenah” giveaway. There was an amazing 637 entries. From those, the following three winners were randomly chosen (last names omitted for privacy): Nadine Tal Christi All three winners will receive one free signed copyContinue Reading

I’m excited to share that my fantasy novel, “Rise of the Sidenah,” is now available in print format on Amazon. You can also pre-order the Kindle version for only $4.99 for a limited time. If you’re looking for even better discounts, the publisher, Jupiter Gardens Press, is now offering bothContinue Reading

Colleen’s work in progess, The Beached Ones, was named 3rd place unpublished novel in the 2014 Arizona Authors Literary Contest. She has completed a cross-country road trip as part of the research for this novel, and is now back to work on the second draft. (Read more about her tripContinue Reading

Colleen recently signed a publishing agreement with Dzanc Books for Loreena’s Gift. She’s thrilled to be associated with this highly reputable company and looks forward to the process of getting the story ready for readers. A 2016 release is expected. For more on the story, please see the book page.