I had a lot of fun signing copies of The Curse of King Midas at the Grand Junction Barnes & Noble last week.

It was exciting to see old friends and meet new readers all in the same day.

My thanks to my mom and stepdad for helping to spread the word about the event, as well as to “The Beacon” magazine for so generously advertising it in their event pages.

Below are pictures from the event. Thanks again to all who participated!

From left to right: My mom, Mary, Bretina, me, Cloie (editor of “The Beacon”), and my stepdad, Gerald.
Signing for Debra and Charlene.
Signing for Jan and Doug. Jan is signing up for the newsletter.
New readers MaKayla and Jody. Welcome! Taffy (a cherished reader) is third in line.
Michelle and I. Michelle is a classmate from high school, and generously bought books for herself and her husband, Todd, as well as for another classmate Kathy and her husband Scott, who were unable to attend. So kind!
This little guy (Carson) was the star of the show! What a fun little boy. His mom, Alisha, got a copy of Midas for her and her husband John.
These ladies were having fun. Jan, Mom, Charlene, and Debra.
John purchased two copies—one for himself and one for his daughter. Thank you, John!
Signing for Ashalee, a new reader who said she hadn’t bought a book in a bookstore before this day! How exciting!
Damian, my foster nephew, was a kind early reader/reviewer, and came to get a physical copy. He’s a musician too!
New reader Vicki, who came to the signing after we’d sold out. Fortunately, she ordered a copy. Thank you Vicki!
Taffy, me, and Bretina. Bretina brought me some extra pens, paper clips, staples, and other essentials an author always needs!
Selfie with Laura, the Barnes & Noble event coordinator. She also took the main picture of me at the signing table below. :O)

My stepdad, Gerald, with Carson. Gerald just has a way with the little ones!
Carson “pointing” to my books. I couldn’t ask for a better advertisement! :O)


  1. What a wonderful book signing event, Colleen! These lovely photos all capture the magic in the air there. Congratulations on having such a successful book event. And, I am wishing you continued and unparallelled success with the release of The Curse of King Midas.
    Sincerest regards,
    R. J.

    1. Author

      Thanks for your comment, R.J.! Yes, it was a lot of fun. I’m so grateful to everyone who attended. Appreciate your support! :O)

  2. It was Lovely to share your event with you.

    1. Author

      So glad you could come, Charlene! You and Debra both. :O)

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