Hiking to See the Beautiful Fall Colors in Idaho
This past weekend, Storm and I got a chance to go hiking in Idaho. We saw some beautiful fall colors. I got several pictures. Enjoy!
This past weekend, Storm and I got a chance to go hiking in Idaho. We saw some beautiful fall colors. I got several pictures. Enjoy!
My mom raises South African Boer goats at her ranch in Colorado. Currently, it’s breeding season there. The bucks are in with the does which means if all goes well, the place will be bleating with babies in about five months. But romance among goats isn’t as simple as puttingContinue Reading
I was out on my evening walk a few nights ago when a young buck crossed my path. It was a little after sunset, that time of night when figures start to fade in the growing shadows. I had gone a little over a mile and was coming up onContinue Reading
Everyone’s talking about them. The automakers are scrambling trying to win the market. “Autonomous” cars, they’re called. The ones that can drive themselves. All we’ll have to do is just sit back and relax. Imagine the possibilities! No more wasted time on the commute. No more distracted driving. Far fewerContinue Reading
We’ve all heard the talk about purpose. Once you find your purpose, the world opens up for you. Or so it seems, when you read the material promoting “purpose-finding.” I’ve enjoyed a number of articles, books, and quizzes on purpose. I found them fun to read and think about,Continue Reading
I read the other day that a growing body of research shows that people who feel younger than their age actually tend to live longer. One British study of about 6,500 people, for example, reported that those who felt older than their age had a 41 percent greater risk ofContinue Reading
Here in Idaho, we have a lot of bird life, and I never tire of watching them. (Video below in Quicktime. My apologies to Android users who won’t be able to see it—if I do more videos in the future I’ll figure out a better way.) Recently, I had theContinue Reading
It’s amazing how a little bit of appreciation can brighten your day. You’ve heard it said before, but this time I have a story of how even a herd of goats can show their appreciation when someone goes out of their way for them. Goats? Really? Goats. And appreciationContinue Reading
I have fond memories of shopping for school clothes with my mom. Usually sometime in the month of August, she would help me go through my closet to see what clothes still fit, and we’d separate those from the ones I’d outgrown so we knew what I needed for theContinue Reading
I have a stray chicken in my yard. I live on about an acre of land surrounded by agricultural fields. You could say I live out in the country, though the town is only about fifteen minutes away and the land around me is all cultivated into wheat, potato, corn,Continue Reading