I’m excited to announce that my new book for writers, Your Writing Matters, is now available on Amazon, and is soon to be available everywhere books are sold.

This book came about as a result of my own experience as a writer, as well as from my discussions with other writers at conferences, workshops, and on my motivational site Writing and Wellness.

When I talked with writers, I kept hearing comments like these:

“I’ve been doing this for a while, but it’s not working. I’m not selling very many copies of my book, and I’m starting to think that maybe this isn’t for me.”

“I like writing, but I don’t know if I’m good enough. I mean, I could be wasting my time.”

“I feel guilty whenever I take time out to write. My family needs me, and it’s not like I’m going to sell thousands of books.”

There were a lot of variations, but in general, I was hearing from writers who enjoyed writing, yet were feeling discouraged, disheartened, and unsure of themselves. Many seemed to feel guilty for spending time writing, as if they were engaging in a guilty pleasure that any sensible person would resist.

The bottom line for most was that if they weren’t earning money or fame from their work, they tended to believe they were wasting their time, and should be doing something else more useful or practical.

It broke my heart to see so many writers who, instead of embracing their love of writing, were living in a state of indecision, unsure whether they should even be writing at all.

Worse, this thinking wasn’t inspired by a change of heart or a frustration with the writing itself, but by the fear of being thought selfish, stupid, self-deluded, or otherwise mistaken about their writing simply because it wasn’t earning them as much money as they thought it should, or bringing them the recognition they thought a “real” writer would have.

Yet I understood these writers. I was one of them not too long ago. I’ve always been serious about my writing. I’ve always worked hard at it. But for many years, I lived in indecision.

I was the uncommitted person in the relationship—giving it a shot, but always with one foot out the door, just in case it didn’t work out.

I know from experience that this sort of indecision is hard. It’s painful. Indeed, it can be torturous. When a writer hasn’t yet committed wholeheartedly to the writing life, anything and everything can throw them off.

A rejection means that maybe you should give up. A lackluster book launch means the book isn’t any good. Getting stuck on a novel means you’re not talented enough.

All writers have to endure the ups and downs of a typical career. Add indecision to the mix and you have downs that can be completely devastating—enough to ruin a writing career for  good.

Everything changes once you make “the decision.”

In Your Writing Matters, I will help you discover whether you truly have a writer’s DNA. You’ll discover:

  • The scientific evidence behind the pressure you feel to make money with your work
  • The reasons why fame and notoriety are so attractive and discouraging
  • The myth of the most talented writers
  • Why book marketing can seem so exhausting
  • Why you feel you have to justify the time you spend writing

Step by step, you’ll gain a clear-eyed look at the challenges a writer faces in the outside world. You’ll also learn:

  • What hidden benefits writing may have in your life
  • Whether writing is part of your life’s purpose
  • When it’s best to leave writing behind

I now know that every writer, somewhere along the way, grapples with the question of whether to continue on the writing journey.

I’m happy to say that after my own long battle with indecision, I have finally made the commitment. I’m a writer and I plan to continue writing, no matter what.

But it isn’t easy getting to that point. In Your Writing Matters, I hope to help you get there faster than I did.

Don’t waste your precious time in indecision. Let Your Writing Matters guide you to your truth and you’ll never look back again.

Read more about Your Writing Matters and get your copy today!