Hello Spring Craft Fair

April 12, 10:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m.
Hillcrest High School, Ammon, ID

Come get your copy of Colleen’s historical fantasy, The Curse of King Midas! Book II in this series is coming soon so now is the perfect time to get started. All other books + Mother’s Day gifts will also be available. Stop by and say hi!

When Fiction Reveals the Truth About Grief

Workshop + Book Signing for the Brand-New Release, The Gimirri Invasion (Book II in The Midas Legacy)

June 13, 6:30 p.m.
Winnie & Mo’s Bookshop, Idaho Falls, ID

Grief is one of the hardest parts of being human. But what if experiencing loss isn’t the same as living with it? In this deeply personal, storytelling-driven workshop, Colleen M. Story explores grief through fiction, where unforgettable characters from her newest release, The Gimirri Invasion, mirror our hidden struggles. Weaving together her own journey through trauma and loss, psychological insights, and the lessons of an ancient kingdom, Story reveals how storytelling doesn’t just reflect pain—it leads us to healing.
Come explore, reflect, and find new meaning in your journey.

Prior appearances:

UVU Book Academy (Utah Valley University)

Idaho Writer’s & Editor’s Association

Eastern Idaho Writer’s League

Western Colorado Writer’s Forum

The Dallas-Fort Worth Writers’ Conference

Boise Nonfiction Authors Association

West Texas A&M University Writers’ Academy

Storymakers Conference

Idaho Writers’ Conference

Northern Colorado Writers

Let Colleen help inspire and empower your group.

Are you a member of a group of creative individuals who could use a little inspiring?

Would you like to be more productive, tap into your own creative powers, or find new ways to enrich your life through writing?

Colleen M. Story, founder of Writing and Wellness, speaks to groups on these subjects and more. She promises a high-energy presentation full of valuable information tailored to your particular audience.

Take a look at a few samples of the classes she teaches below. CLICK HERE to read testimonials gathered from Colleen’s previous workshops and speaking engagements.

NoticedWriter Get Noticed!
Standing Out in a Noisy Publishing World

Do you feel invisible?

If you’re putting your work out there but nobody’s noticing, it could be that you’re lacking that “niche” that today’s writer needs to stand out from the crowd.

In this class, discover how you can use your own unique strengths to develop a marketing niche that’s totally yours. Determine the theme that unites all of your work, and discover how to use that theme across all your marketing efforts to draw more readers your way.

Walk away with a new understanding of your strengths, a unique tagline that applies to you and your work, and the beginnings of an author platform that may bring you opportunities you never would have imagined before.

FinishFinish the Projects You Start! The Unexpected Key to Creative Business Success

An unfinished project means nothing.

When you’re a writer, you’ve always got new projects in progress. But often these projects spend too long in the “unfinished” file for a myriad of reasons—you get busy, stuck, unmotivated, or simply worn out. Then your business stagnates and you feel like you’ll never get where you want to be.

This course reveals the secret reasons why finishing is so challenging, and shows you how to get around your busy schedule, manage your personal demons, tap into your unique motivation style, and keep going forward no matter what.

Walk away armed with the tools you need to go from start to finish on every project, not matter how challenging.

The Secrets of Optimal Productivity:
What You Really Need to Get More Done in Less Time

Hint: It’s not about new apps or improved multi-tasking.

Writers are required to do more than ever before. Not only must we produce our work, but we’re also feeling the pressure to blog, be active on social media, and market, which includes a number of other tasks such as guest blogging, running giveaways, conducting book signings, and more.

Meanwhile we’re constantly bombarded by an unprecedented amount of information and temptations to distraction. How is a writer to manage it all?

Learn what’s holding you back from accomplishing what you need to accomplish, and how to turn it all around. Discover the very real dangers of distraction and decision fatigue, how modern-day “busyness” kills creativity, and why you feel like you’re constantly behind.

Discover your unique time personality and how to use it to boost productivity, then use the five solutions to get more done, find more time to write, and enjoy a break now and then, too.

Monster-CropThe Monster in Every Writer’s Closet:
Free Your Writing Process from Self-Doubt Sabotage

If there’s one thing all writers share, it’s self-doubt.

Even the most successful writers and bestselling novelists struggle with it. Most try to ignore it, but self-doubt is devious, destructive, and extremely detrimental to your writing dreams.

It’s why writers procrastinate, stay stuck in “small thinking,” and progress more slowly than they should. It’s also why they struggle to find time to write and battle with writer’s block.

Learn the seven ways self-doubt sabotages your writing goals and dreams, and discover whether it may be working its sinister spell on you right now. Find out how to pinpoint the symptoms of self-doubt malaise, and how to prevent it from destroying the one thing you can’t afford to lose: your creative instincts.

Finally, discover how you can actually turn self-doubt from an enemy to an ally. Walk away armed with the tools you need to decrease its power over you and more confidently follow your intuition toward future writing success.

LeapTaking the Leap: When to Risk a Bold Move for Writing Success

Is it time to take a risk for your writing?

As a writer and authorpreneur, there are times when you need to take risks if you’re going to move your writing career forward. But risks, by their very nature, can be frightening. Fears trap you inside a cage of indecision, where you may whittle away your talents for years without breaking out.

In this class, find out what may be holding you back, discover your decision-making personality, and gain new tools for determining the best time to take that leap of faith. Walk away with a better understanding of yourself as a creator and business owner, armed with a new approach to risk-management destined to make your creative career easier to manage.

Avoid Mistakes

7 Mistakes to Avoid on Your Way to a Publishing Contract

Are you making these mistakes right now?

When going for that first publishing contract, there are things most writers do that slow them down, stall their progress, and make it more difficult for them to reach their goals.

You don’t have to be one of them.

In this workshop, you’ll learn the 7 mistakes many writers make when trying to get that first book published, and why they’re so detrimental to your progress. Then you’ll find out not only how to avoid them, but how to do the opposite—so you are more likely to get that contract you want.

Arm yourself with the knowledge you need to avoid these common writing traps, and reach your goal of publication!

Your Writing Matters: How to Banish Self Doubt, Trust Yourself, and Go the Distance

It’s a tough world out there for writers.

Even if you work hard, write every day, submit your stories, and build a platform, that doesn’t mean you will succeed. You may feel discouraged and wonder: Does my writing even matter?

In this writing workshop, Colleen examines:

  • The scientific evidence behind the pressure you feel to make money with your work
  • The reasons why fame and notoriety are so attractive and discouraging
  • The myth of the most talented writers
  • Why book marketing can seem so exhausting and discouraging
  • Why you feel you have to justify the time you spend writing

You’ll also learn:

  • What hidden benefits writing may have in your life
  • Whether writing is part of your life’s purpose

Come prepared for a fun, in-depth exploration of what your writing means, and leave with the tools you need to put self-doubt and indecision behind for good.

Writer-Cafe-News-300x225Were You Meant to be a Writer? Signs the Writing Life is for You

Maybe you’ve thought about it now and then, but you’re just not sure.

Is writing for you? Do you really have a “writer’s personality?” What about talent? Is that something that’s in you?

Find out the telltale signs, and how to take action if you’re truly the writer type. Designed for teens and adults.

To schedule Colleen to speak at your event, please use the contact page.

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