Winnie & Mos Event

We had a great turnout for the self-doubt workshop and book signing at Winnie & Mo’s Bookshop downtown! We talked about how destructive self-doubt can be to your creative goals and dreams, and how you can stop it from getting in the way. The group was fantastic. Very attentive, enthusiastic,Continue Reading

I had so much fun at the recent “Your Writing Matters” writing workshop. A big “thank you” and shout-out to the Western Colorado Writers’ Forum, which hosted this event. They work hard to bring writers together for educational and creative activities in the Grand Junction area. Linda Skinner, particularly, hasContinue Reading

I’m excited to announce that my new book for writers, Your Writing Matters, is now available on Amazon, and is soon to be available everywhere books are sold. This book came about as a result of my own experience as a writer, as well as from my discussions with otherContinue Reading

I’m excited to share that Overwhelmed Writer Rescue was recently featured in writing magazine Lit Reactor as one of five books to optimize workflow and avoid burnout. Writer Andrea Johnson noted that optimizing one’s productivity is often more about working smarter than working harder. “Therefore, I have curated a listContinue Reading

I’m excited to announce that my new book, Writer Get Noticed!, officially released from Midchannel Press today. If you”re a writer looking for readers, this is the book for you. The competition is stiff out there these days. In 2017, there were over one million books self-published—and that’s not countingContinue Reading

I had a great time speaking to the Boise Editors group this past week. The workshop was entitled, “Taking the Leap: When to Risk a Bold Move for Writing Success.” (Read more about it on my speaking page.) It can be hard to know when to take a risk toContinue Reading

It’s a lot of fun to do an event in your home town. I did that once before when I held a book signing for my novel, Loreena’s Gift. (Read more about that event here.) I got to reconnect with a lot of people I hadn’t seen in years, whichContinue Reading

I just returned from a speaking tour in Texas and it was a blast. The people were all super friendly. I have to say I really enjoyed their manners, too. You can get used to that “Yes Ma’am” pretty easily! I flew into Amarillo initially and went to get myContinue Reading

If you’re going to be in Boise, Idaho this week, I hope you’ll come see me! I’m going to be at Rediscovered Books doing a short talk and signing books, but I’m not the only one. A group of talented writers are going to be there with me, including bestsellingContinue Reading